12 factor to consider when Desinging Website

An effective website design should fulfill its intended function by conveying its particular message whilst simultaneously engaging the visitor. Several factors such as consistency, colors, typography, imagery, simplicity, and functionality contribute to good website design.

When designing a website there are many key factors that will contribute to how it is perceived. A well-designed website can help build trust and guide visitors to take action. Creating a great user experience involves making sure your website design is optimized for usability (form and aesthetics) and how easy is it to use (functionality).

  1. Choosing a Domain and Host :

 Great domain names (take a look at Google and Yahoo, for two) say so much while saying so little. In addition to being memorable, a domain name needs to accurately reflect your brand’s voice and be nearly impossible to misspell. Finding the right name for your brand is crucial, because incorporating a combination of SEO, simple spelling, and brand identity into the domain name leads to a higher chance of being located in search engine results. Simply put, businesses that are easily accessed online get more customers.

Examples: GoDaddy, Hostinger, Blue Host, Host gator, etc.

The Top 10 Best Web Hosting Providers :

  • Hostinger – Best Overall
  • Dream Host – Best value for shared hosting
  • Blue host – Best for new WordPress websites
  • Host Gator – Best for Simple websites
  • Green Greeks – Best for friendly hosting
  • Site Ground – Best word press – certified host 
  • for speed and security.
  • A2 Hosting – Fast & reliable for shared hosting
  • In Motion – Best VPS hosting
  • WP Engine – Best-managed WordPress hosting
  • Nexcess – Best for e-commerce hosting

When comparing hosting packages, it’s vital to consider the nature of your website and business. Will the website be media-rich, with loads of pictures, videos, and presentations? Do you have technical support in-house, or do you need reliable, responsive support from your hosting provider? Also, think about the amount of traffic your website will receive. Does the hosting company offer scalable solutions? What backup, security, and additional features are offered? Don’t forget to research reviews about the company’s performance on social media and third-party websites before making a final decision.

What is the Website Extension?

There are many types of extensions with different types of websites, which are attached with the name of the website.

Like .com, .net, .in, .gov, .edu, .org, as you must have seen many times, tell you with some salvation.www.yahoo.com & www.indiatoday.in Whatever word after the dot is called a domain extension like .com, .net, .in, .gov, Edu, .org all these word extensions. You must have used such a website at one time or another. We take all these extensions with the domain, according to our need, if we want to work only in India, then we can take the dot In extension and if we want to do our business all over the world then we can take dot com extension.

Important Domain Extensions :

Gov – Government agencies

.Edu – Educational institutions

.Org – Organizations (non-profit)

. Mil–Military

.Com – commercial business

.Net – Network organizations

.In – India

.Ca – Canada

.Th – Thailand

  1. Backend Services :

It’s impossible to develop a great website without a functional program taking care of the backend. the backend of your website is where the magic really happens. Without strong backend services, your website won’t be able to “wow” your guests. You can change or modify text, images & Video only through the backend Services. You can improve your SEO score with the help of backend services. It’s only accessible by the Owner or Authority.

  1. User-Friendly Design:

One of the most important things to remember during the process of website development is to create a clean, appealing design.

 A quality design is attractive and easy to read with intuitive navigation. Most importantly, a clean design helps viewers focus on the value of your brand and content instead of distracting graphics and large amounts of text. 

Often, customers associate website designs with the quality of a particular company or product. Hence, a clean design is vital to providing a positive user experience that encourages customers to return.

  1. Logo, Color, And Font :

 Color schemes are more important than customers realize. Different colors have the ability to evoke emotional responses, such as calm, happiness, or frustration. When it comes to using colors in your website design, it’s essential to consider your company’s niche, target audience, branding, and the elements of color theory.  If your color scheme is similar to your logo and branding, is it overwhelming or pleasing to look at? 

You can also take font style as per your convenience, in which you have to keep their color & size in combination with the color of the website so that the UI of the website does not look off.

  1. Appealing Graphics :

 A picture is worth a thousand words – you must have heard this sentence too. Using graphics on the website is as important as publishing content. By applying High-Quality Graphics, you can easily explain your point and keep people engaged.

While creating graphics, you have to take care of their Format, Resolution, Size, and Color, for which you can use Drag & DropTools like Canva.

All these website design elements help to enhance your website and give it a professional look.

6. Compelling Content :

 Compelling Content is the 2nd most important website design element which is the backbone of a website and keeps the reader engaged.

 Good content increases the reader’s knowledge and tells him what 

your business is about, what  kind of products you sell or what kind

 of services you provide.

The structure of the content also matters, in which Continuity should

 be visible. Web Page Content, Blogs, Images, Infographics, and Videos,

 are all content types in a way that should be present on your website.

According to Hubspot, if the layout or content of the website is unattractive, then about 38% of people leave the site.

  1. Navigation :

 A website is made up of different pages such as Home, About Us, Product, Services, and Contact Us. Each and every tab must Work and open the page easily and be readable to the Visitor. Also, the text Box, Check Box, hyperlink, Radio Button, and Submit button must be working so that the User can easily Accessible and clearly Understand the viewer. 

Furthermore, streamlining navigation by eliminating unnecessary or underperforming pages may decrease load time while improving the quality of your brand’s online presence.

If a website is confusing and difficult to navigate, your customers may leave and never return. 

8. Mobile Responsiveness And Speed :

 Statistics indicate that the use of mobile devices to conduct online searches has increased significantly in the past two years. In fact, approximately 95% of mobile device users count on their devices to search for local products and services.

To effectively reach this growing population of mobile users, businesses need to be sure that their websites are available from any device. For a large company with an existing web presence, it makes sense to develop a separate, mobile-friendly website designed to perform well on any device.

9. Keyword Research :

Are people searching for your Idea online? Are people talking about your products or services (whatever you want to provide) on Google, YouTube & other social media platforms?

If yes, then you have to search those Words, Queries, Phrases, and Sentences which are relevant to your business or that people often use during their search. This process is called Keyword Research which can grow your business manifold.

  1.  Customer Testimonials

Similar to offsite reviews, customer testimonials can be used to promote your business. By featuring customer testimonials on your site,

you demonstrate your company’s skills, products, and commitment to customers. If you already have a loyal customer base, reach out to a few and solicit online reviews. If they’re willing to provide a recorded testimonial, take advantage of this opportunity to create a branded video.

The more genuine, detailed testimonials your company receives,

the greater your chances of gaining new customers.

11. Call To Action :

Placing calls to action on your website encourages customers to contact your business. A friendly suggestion, such as “Contact us today!” demonstrates that your business wants to develop a relationship with its customers. It’s important that calls to action are appropriate for a visitor’s level of engagement with your company. If they’re just discovering your brand, invite them to subscribe to your email newsletter. 

For Example. If you are thinking of making a news website and want to update the visitors regularly with the latest news, then you will have to use Call To Action like “Subscribe Us Now” and “Receive Notification From Us”.

12. Monetization :

  The monetization Factor is related to earning money, which you should think about before creating a website. How will you earn money from whatever idea you are thinking of implementing? Do you have a Proper Funnel so that you can bring people to the website and do the selling?