Full time Job vs Own Business

What is a Job? 

  There is no one particular definition for a job.  It can be identified as a part-time or full-time piece of work or employment. It can be easily recognized as a responsibility or duty for a  specific kind of work.

 A job gets you a predetermined salary. However,  the most important characteristic of a job is that there is always a person who is superior to us and that person determines our salary or remuneration. We will be paid for our work. 

“Doing a job or working in a job essentially means that we are working for someone. There is a boss above us, who assigns us the work we need to do in our job.”

What is a Business?

The best definition of a business is that it is an organization that has professional, commercial, and non-commercial objectives. 

A business is a collection of two or more people who work towards achieving a common goal. It can also be just one person.

A business organization can either be profit-oriented or non-profit-oriented. 

“If you are running or doing a business, means that you are the boss.

The success of your business wholly depends on you and your hard work. You can decide anything and everything about your business.” 


 Job As Business:
The person who is doing business of his own is responsible for making his own decisions and Is free to implement them.  Whereas the person doing the job needs the approval of the boss to make decisions and implement them. A person who is doing his own business if he makes some mistake during his work There is no one to scold. While the person doing the job has to face scolding if he makes a mistake. 
The person who is doing his own business, the time to go to the office according to his business and personal needs can decide on his own. Whereas the person doing the job has to go to his office at a specified time.

Any person, even an uneducated person, can start a business by authorizing someone for it Also no qualification is required. While different qualifications are prescribed for different jobs.No one can get an entrepreneur to do business, that is, he cannot be fired. Whereas the person doing the job can be fired if the company or employer does not meet their expectations. An entrepreneur is also employing others by doing his business while the person doing the job can fill his family nurturing.

There are very few businesses that can start with very little investment, most businesses require a huge investment to start. While the job if the entrepreneur is capable, he can get it for free only through an interview.

A business person needs to see the management of many tasks so he can bear the stress of managing different tasks. Should have the capability of While the person in the job is responsible only for his profile.

Since the entrepreneur is managing almost all types of profiles, he has more learning opportunities. Whereas the person doing the job has the freedom to work under his own profile. The people doing their business are not forced to follow the rules made by someone else in that company, rather they set their own rules.

While the job requires the person to strictly follow the rules made by the company and the employer. The next difference between a job and a business is related to profit or non-profit. If the person doing business is a partner of the whole profit then do the job A person receives a certain amount of salary in a month.


What are the Benefits of Having a Job?

  • Exposure
    The best part about working in a full-time job is that you will get complete exposure to a diverse environment and organizational culture.
  • A steady of income
    Along with the financial security of receiving a fixed monthly salary, there are other additional benefits such as bonuses, insurance, etc. When it comes to jobs vs business, Your excellent performance can earn you promotions to help you progress further in your career.
  • Added perks
    In scores of companies, employees are awarded paid holidays, vacations, and work recognition in terms of monetary as well as non-monetary incentives.

  • Working hours
    Lastly, there are fixed work hours provided by every company and in the remaining hours, you have the freedom to follow your other interests.

    No need for strategies
    When you are working in a job, you do not need to think of strategies or take the stress. You are shown the way by your boss or the person above of you. Strategies are presented to you by your boss or team leader and you have to follow them and take them in the right direction. 

    • A Place for Showing Skills

    Working in a job gets you the opportunity to meet new people and work in a different place. When working in a job, there are different people around us and the level of interaction is a lot. While meeting new people you can exhibit your skills and always learn something new from them.

    • Holidays and Vacation

    A job helps you get a routine and your life gets set in it. In a job, the working time and working days are definite. The schedule of your workdays does not change unless there is a special circumstance. Similarly, your holidays or days of vacation are fixed. You can always plan your holidays knowing in advance when you can go or when you have a holiday.

    • Easy to Plan A Life

    With a fixed salary and a fixed work routine, managing your life and finances is very easy. Knowing the amount of remuneration you will get and following the routine you have, you can plan your life ahead easily. There is no uncertainty or risk involved.

What are the Benefits of Having a Business?

An obvious advantage of choosing self-employment is that you will be your own boss and thus be free to make your own decisions. You are not answerable to anyone and don’t need to worry about getting fired or facing competition with other employees.

Employment generation
You will be an employer who will not only give a new meaning to the life of others but will also help in their skill development.

Learn new skills
From marketing management and formulating budgets to handling business economics, your work will not be confined to one area. This will help in enhancing not only your competencies but will also improve your business ethics.

  • Profits
    You are also entitled to the profits of your company rather than depending on a fixed salary every month.
  • Job Creation

When you run a business of your own you create jobs. It is not just beneficial for your business but also for your economy. By creating jobs you can give others an opportunity to get a means of living and sustain themselves and their families.

  • No One to Fire You 

Running your own business means you are the boss of yourself. There is no one above you, therefore, there is no one to fire you. You do not have to live in the perpetual worry that your job may be terminated if you do not perform well. 

  • Can achieve your vision 

If you have a dream of becoming successful then you must put your best foot forward to make that dream into reality. You can simply create a vision of your life or the life you want to have and align your business with it. By running a business you are running behind your own dreams and not working to achieve the dreams of someone else. 

Challenges in a Job :

When it comes to defining the challenges in job vs business, you must know that there will always be fierce competition for the promotion you are aiming for. Switching jobs is another complicated decision. You might come across organizations whose values may not resonate with yours You might not get appreciated for your work or there might be some discriminatory notions in the organizations.

Office politics

 is another derogatory aspect that can tamper with the peace of a professional workplace.

Rigid rules

 Working in a job means you are bounded by certain rules and need to follow them in order to successfully survive in your job. Sometimes, even if you do not like the rules, you still have to follow and abide by them.

Challenges in Business:

Finding Funds
The first challenge you will face as an entrepreneur is finding the funds to invest in your business. There is also a huge possibility of incurring losses, especially at an early stage. The risk-taking factor is always high for entrepreneurs.

Managing Deadlines
Also, there is pressure to meet the client’s deadlines and an entrepreneur is required to have proper expertise in the field in which they are starting their own venture. The heat of the competition with your competitors will be high as well.

Unethical Practices/Political Interference
This is one of the biggest challenges of running a company when it comes to jobs vs business. Bribery, delay in clearance, etc. will be common aspects. For this, you have to handle things calmly using efficient business tactics to get further ahead in the competition. 

Job vs Business Quotes :

1.Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs

2.“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

3.“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” – Richard Branson

4.“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” – Henry David Thoreau